America's Greatest Threat - The Attack on Free Speech
In this episode of Informed Narrative I'll be discussing the current attack on Free Speech within America. Today we are seeing an increasing demand for regulation on Free Speech, support of this by the main stream media, the removal of "triggering" content, as well as free speech and debate being shut down and shut out by the use of labels to discredit the messenger, rather than the message. I'll be leaning upon John Stuart Mill to help us think about the ethical aspects of these threats on our democracy and our society.
Due to the recent events at the U.S. Capitol, this description is being updated. This discussion does not apply to the actions of those who would use violence to achieve their ends, and should never use Free Speech as a shield for their crimes. The events which unfolded were criminal in nature, and amount to a severe attack on our democracy. Their actions, and the actions of President Trump, are not protected by Free Speech, and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.